Perhaps I am naive, or I just didn't give it a lot of thought, but when my children arrived home from the first day of summer camp and told me all about how the earth was formed when a big explosion happened in outer space, shooting our planet off like a rocket into its current placement in the universe, I about died! I probably should have assumed that a Science summer camp on the Earth would teach Big Bang theory, but to be honest, when I enrolled them I was thinking more about the Earth's composition than about its origin. Needless to say; however, after day one of summer camp, origin was forefront in my mind. In fact, my two week holiday came to an abrupt halt, and the kids and I began an immediate dialogue about the earth's creation.
Now, let me pause here and say two things. First of all, I want to note, in behalf of all of you scientifically minded individuals, that I am not in direct opposition to everything supposed in the Big Bang theory. Just most of it. And secondly, let me just state that my kids have in fact been taught the true creation story. Many times in fact. Which was part of the reason it was so troubling to hear them tell this second version as fact. This ought to be a lesson to all parents. Even children who have been taught the truth, may not recognize a contraction when it is presented to them from another source. When my kids shared with me their understanding of the Big Bang theory, as it had been taught to them in summer school, they did not see any problem with it. They didn't connect it to the creation story we read in Genesis. Then, when I asked them how the world could be created by a big bang when the scriptures teach that Jesus Christ was the creator of the world, they just stared at me kind of confused. Eventually we got to the obvious conclusion, the one that many Christian scientists have come to, that Christ just caused the Big Bang, but even that was insufficient. My kids still couldn't seem to get past the mental image of some big explosion, and after talking and talking and talking, it was clear that a very accidental version of the creation was still stuck in their minds. I was upset, and angry at myself for not anticipating the topic. I was also ready to keep them out of the rest of the week of summer school, not to mention march right in and tell their teacher what I thought of her teaching Big Bang to my 4 and 5 year olds. My level headed husband; however, pointed out what a good teaching moment this was. "They need to confront some opposition." he said reasonably. And I guess that's true. It helps them to learn that not everything they will ever learn is true, and that they need to always weigh new understanding in light of their cherished gospel knowledge. It also taught me the absolute necessity of talking to children about what they see and hear in other places, and the obligation we have to teach them the truth.
So, teach them the truth we did. We countered Science summer camp with our own unit on Creationism. We read out of the Old Testament and Pearl of Great Price every night. We discussed the order and purpose of each day, the beauty of it all, and most importantly, the great Creator Himself. We testified to the truth of the scriptures, and told them to anticipate their visit to the temple as an adult where they could learn even more about God's creation of this Earth. It turned out to be a very positive experience. And although the U-Tube explosion video was very impressive, I think the true message sunk deeper into their hearts. And, as for their teacher, well, I couldn't resist having a little talk with her. Only, I made the kids do the dirty work. I helped them write her a letter about how we believe that Jesus Christ created the Earth. We then gave her a pass along card for a free Bible where she could read all about it.
Following our week studying the Creation, we then launched into our Save the Planet week. First we talked about garbage. We watched our Little Hard Hats movie on where the garbage goes. We visited the city landfill, talked to our garbage man, and made recycled paper. Through it all, we were careful to cover the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle program presented in most schools, and then tried to implement these ideas into our home. The kids went crazy with it all. They made special garbage cans in our house just for recyclable goods, they went through our current recycle bin and garbage to find things they could re-use (i.e. they used all the old baby food jars to sort their legos into), and they became quite effectively--the recycling police. We even thought we would try our hand at a compost bin; however, after actually building the thing, we determined that we weren't quite that green yet!
Once we finished our discussion on garbage, we moved straight into energy conservation. We watched our movie on Ben Franklin and the history of electricity. Then we learned all about power plants and how energy gets to our homes. Then we brainstormed ways to save energy, as well as had a unit on safety as regarding electrical power sources. By the end of these discussions our little police had duel jobs: recycling and energy-efficiency monitoring.
We couldn't end there though. We had to learn about water, where it comes from (the water cycle), how it gets to our homes, and how important it is that we have enough of it. The kids loved our field trip to the water tower, and you guessed it, they became diligent about not wasting water as well. In fact, one night during dinner, Spencer stood up and went to the sliding glass door. He then proceeded to open the door and poor his glass of water on the flowers outside. When I asked him what the heck he was doing, he informed me that he was no longer thirsty and that rather than wasting the water, he was going to water the plants with it. Pretty impressive, I know. Not too mention hilarious! I have to confess that even I started to get caught up in all of this. I told Nick that I want some of those down-spout water containers for Christmas. We already store drinking water in our food storage, but storing rainwater for outdoor use seems like a equally good idea!
Even water conservation didn't bring our unit to a close though. What true "greeny" can teach about saving the Earth without a class on the O-zone layer and global warming? Maddi was actually very affected by this discussion, particularly the part about air pollution and acid rain. She announced that we were going to start riding our bikes everywhere, and she has also decided she wants to protest airplane usage. It was amazing to see how the kids truly cared about these issues. It made me realize how truly wise it is to teach children when they are young. They internalize the beliefs, and as the adage states, when they are old, they will not depart from them.
Here is a shot of the kids holding some of their projects from our Planet Earth Unit:
Think green signs, paper mache globes, recycled paper, grass that they planted in a cup, and their own version of the planet earth cut out of construction paper. (Maddi built a Mayo Clinic right in the center of her Earth and made her Daddy very proud.)