Friday, June 4, 2010

The First Day of School

We recently celebrated our first day of homeschooling, complete with new school clothes and a back-to-school party. The kids just love it, and I must say, I am enjoying it too. Our first day, June 1st, 2010, was like a dream come true. As I rang our little school bell, and the kids gathered on our round rug for circle time activities--their bright smiling faces looking up to me expectantly, I felt a sudden rush of the spirit, as tangible as a bucket of water pouring over my head. We stopped then and there and prayed together as a little family. We asked the Lord to bless our home-school efforts as well as our family as a whole. It was the ultimate spiritual confirmation I had hoped we would receive upon commencing. Then, day two arrived. When Nick got home from work and asked how school went, I quickly replied, "Well, if yesterday was the Lord's confirmation that home-schooling is right, today was Satan's confirmation." In other words, day two was a disaster. Oh well. We're sorting through kinks, learning to work together, and ultimately loving our home-learning experience.
Here is a photo of my "kindergartners" on their first day of school.

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