Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of School

After seven wonderful weeks of summer vacation, it was time again to kick off another school year, this time with Maddi AND Spencer as students. (Spencer wasn't officially a kindergartener last year, just unofficially.) The kids and I were both really excited-maybe me most of all. Even though I had an extremely productive summer--there's just so much you can't get to when you're homeschooling--I still felt this hole in my life. I really couldn't believe how much I missed teaching while we were off. And how much of a disconnect I felt by always being too busy for time with the kids. Don't get me wrong, they needed outside time and time with friends, but I just felt like I was always shooing them away while I was working on this or that. It felt wrong, and I was so glad to lay everything aside for another nine months and be ready to focus just on the kids for a while.

And so, on the day after Labor Day, the same day as their public school classmates, we kicked off our school year. The kids were darling about it too. We went and bought new school clothes and school supplies just like everyone else. And they got their notebooks and folders, outfits and shoes laid out the night before. Maddi even begged to have her hair hot-rolled for the first day. Even Emma wanted to be a part of it all, even though she doesn't start her preschool until next week. It makes me laugh, because after all, we're just staying home, but it's all they know. And it's wonderful. Here my little cuties are at the end of the first day.

Here we go again!

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