Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Music Makers

I wanted to include a brief post here about an extra-curricular school project that I have decided to take on again this year. This project is a once-a-week, two hour musical class I refer to as Music Makers. It is much like the Kinder Music programs available in many states, but differs in that I have no certification to run it, and so, I run it free of charge. It is quite a time-consuming program, both in prep time and in running time, but I decided to run it again this year to meet two of our family's home schooling needs. First off, it gives us a formal music curriculum to teach not only actual musical education (i.e. notes, rhythm, instruments, etc.), but to also teach topical items through music. And second, it gives my children some classmates other than each other. They love the company, and I hold music makers parties at each holiday to help enhance their home-schooling experience. While there are times when I wonder why I give myself the extra work, for the most part I love hosting the class. If I was really ambitious I would start a music makers blog to follow all of the crazy stuff we do in class, but lets be honest, I've got to sleep sometime!

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